Blogmaker by Vitalik
This is an ultra-simple self-hosted blog publishing solution.
- pandoc
- rsync
How to use
See the posts directory for what a post should look like. Posts must be written in markdown, and filenames must end in ".md". Dates must be in (yyyy/mm/dd) format. All posts must be in the posts directory.
If you need a post to use MathJaX to format LaTeX equations, add the line
[pandoc]: <> (--mathjax)
to the config at the top of the post.
To compile a post to html, run ./publish.py posts/name_of_post.md
(or ./publish.py posts/*
to recompile everything). Use ./publish.py --sync
to upload the latest version of your site to your server (make sure to put your server details, as well as the site title and icon, in config.md).
For the server, the simplest setup is to use any VPS, apt install apache2
, make sure apache2 is running, and just set the directory to /var/www/html.
Credit to https://hackmd.io for CSS styles.